Thursday 27 December 2012

stop jealous??????????

where their comes any good things, the bad things also comes along with it. And it is true in all the sphere of our life. so, if i talk about love, then the weak point of love that is jealousy also do exists along with love.
so let me ask you all some question; if it ever happened to you.
you don't like your girlfriend or boy friend communicating with other guys or girls around. you feel very bad when that person is spending time with other in spite of you, then definitely their is jealousy in the relation. And up-to certain limit it correct and one should be a bit jealous and possessive  but every thing has got a limitation and if one crosses it , someone for sure will be hurt.
even i get jealous when my girlfriend talks with someone else and my heart aches so much. so it normal phenomenon whether it be guys or girls.
so according to my own experience, that i am sharing today, hope this would be helpful. and even if one person implement its and can get the jealousy out of their relation, i would rather be happy that i wrote this blog.

you are my every thing........

sometime it incur  in our life and at some point of life, once or more than once some meant to be everything for us. we feel as if we don't need anyone except that person in the world. we just want to live rest of our life with that person. we want to share our sorrow, joys and every moment and second of our life with that particular person.but if we want to live in reality; i don't say it is not possible, but its in very minor proportion.because the quotes below is 100% true,
even with me this happened  once an girl meant to be every thing for me, i loved her so much and so does she, but may be we were meant to be together for a time being and share each other memories after we get apart. the relationship was a distance relationship, but we never had a problem with the distance 
because the thing that mattered us most was our feeling for each other, our caring for each other. i never felt that she was that much far away from me and i do know and had a feeling that even she did have same feeling. we cared, loved,  affection ed about each other as if we were meant for each other, but its absolutely true fact the "beauty is shot lived" only the problem we have was she fear to lose me and even i did but i never admitted it, she always behave possessiveness over me. because of some mere misunderstanding and her possessiveness, we broke up. but still we two loved each other and communicate very often.
still when i see her pics or remember her name my heart stills throbs and tears flow out in pain.

Friday 21 December 2012

my emptiness

Have you ever encountered such an condition in  your life, where you just want to be alone. You get a weird feeling that you need nobody on this world.
Even i have came across this catastrophic conditions, many time in my life.
 normally when such situation incur in my life, i don't want to have any words with any of my family members nor mine friends.
you can impart and apply this quote on your life,
 "cry as much as you can or you want! but once your tears stops make sure that you won't cry for the same reason any more."
i have applied this quote many times in my life.
and i am not shy to admit that i have also cried in my life.
the last time when i wanted to be alone was when my friend in fact my EX girl friend, wanted to quit our relation. i didn't have any problem quiting the relation, but the thing that hurt me was, that she wanted to still continue our friendship. and she didn't gave me any reason for the breakup of our relation. i cried thinking of her many hours, because how its possible a relation, worth 2 years can be broken in an instance. it hurts so much. later on i heard from one of my friend that she already was in relation with someone else and that thing hurt me more and more.
i never though this would happen to me and my relationship, but it happened. but i am happy now she has a kid 1 and half year old. things changed a lot and now i am happy for her.
i just want her happiness, but still when ever i see her in shopping complex or streets, my heart throbes and aches.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

is it mere a attrection or love

Love usually will begin with a mere attraction or fondness for each other. But if you meet someone at the age of 22 and are still attracted to each other at the age of late 60's then indefinably, its LOVE. one can easily say that, the first steps toward love is Attraction.

Attraction merely remains for the time being and people get over it with a passage of time. As soon as one find someone and are in love with someone, its not a love. But the love being entirely different thing, it doesn't get changes with changes in time.
so you can easily understand: what is love and what is attraction?
but the most difficult thing is differentiate between these two? because love starts with an attraction only!
so its very important and one must consider it as an important steps, before going on a relationship. so below i will provide you with some guides; how you can differentiate between love and attraction?
·         in attraction You’re totally focused on a person’s looks and body rather than on their personality.
·         You’re interested in having sex, but not in having conversations where as in love You want to spend quality time together other than sex.
·         You’d rather keep the relationship on a fantasy level, not discuss real feelings but in love You get lost in conversations and forget about the hours passing.
·         You want to leave soon after sex rather than cuddling or breakfast the next morning where as in case of love You want to honestly listen to each other’s feelings, make each other happy.
·         You are lovers, but not friends.He or she motivates you to be a better person.You want to get to meet his or her family and friends.
so it is very important to make a differentiation between the love and attraction, because one may feel incompatiable with each other after going on through a few months of relationship.

Friday 14 December 2012

without you........

Nothing without you.
My life was nothing without you.
Person who understood me were few
Still I think you may come back one day
And forgive me/I love you I will heard you say
You were the one and always will be one I loved
Thinking about you and our memories I sobbed
It was neither or nor mine fault
But our fates did us a great assault
Thinking of it, I always drunk a wine
Hoping one day everything will be fine
Although I was and have been alone
But you were always in my heard and mind
My life was nothing with out you
You also loved me truly I know

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Why you left me?

Why you left me?

She left me! I left her. It’s most common parlance of today’s relation. One day the will say, “I cannot leave with out you and the very next day they will say forget me! It happens in our life and even happened with me. Because I am also a normal human like you. To be frank, with you all, no one understands the fact that: what is love?

So I ask you all people do you really understand what is love?

Most of the answer would be hanging out going for dates, kissing, hugging, sharing the intimate moments, and one more thing fondness of some. Well let me tell you all it is some where down the part of love but it is not love. Yes it’s not love! To feel good when you’re with some particular person is not love. Since I am here to talk about: why you left me? I would request you to think about love. Next time for sure I would write about the love and you can do compare between: whether you love someone or it’s a mere attraction?

Now why someone leaves you?

The reason may be two;
·        ............ They already found someone they deserved: this may be the one reason for leaving some one because you may have found someone whom you love and care the most then already you’re past. It happened with me 4 years back I loved and may be liked her so much! We never came up in a relation but I liked her, but she didn’t care about me. She was a self-centric person, and wanted to go for some one who can provide her luxurious life. So later on I was happy for that.
·       ................  They are not comfortable with you after they knew each other: everything that is very far away from us is always liked by us. But after the thing get close, and one starts knowing each other, they may not be very comfortable with you. This is the main reason for some quitting out of relationship.

So which one was yours? You can think about it.

And last thing I wanted to say is, before one proceeds for any relation, consider understanding each other as a key factor for continuing relationship. Because, if there is an understanding love, care, affection and trust then relation strength would come out prominently.

3 Reason for Break up in relationships

One of the serious questions in a relationship; why the hell there is break up in a relationship? Why someone who meant to be everything at some point of time becomes apart from each other?
 The answer is everything far away from us is liked by us. And it’s because in name of love there is mere attraction involved. It’s very difficult to differentiate between love and attraction; I will talk about it later. Because, I am talking here to talk about: why the relationship gets broken?
According to mine experience, there is break up in a relationship for 3 reasons; all of them are interlinked with each other.


        it is very bad for any relationship and not only for a couple. It is applicable to all friends’, family etc. relationship in most of the time gets Brock en because of misunderstanding or lack of understanding. So one can say understanding is a foundation or a back bone of any relations. Now comes how understanding comes, understanding comes simply out of proper communication. And how communication comes is only through giving time and space for each other. So time and understanding are related.


      time plays an important role in formation and breakage of any relationships. It’s also most important part of a relationship. On an instance the more time we give to our partner more we will be able to understand each other. And that will lead to the foundation of the relationship and strengthen the relationships.


       jealousy is the worst enemy of love or relationship. But I relay to understand to get jealous is normal, since one fear to lose the loved one. But, if there is proper understanding between each other then for sure, one should not be jealous. Or one shouldn't indulge on the things that your partner doesn't like.
So, this three are the worst enemy for any relationship. Especially, for the couple this may be very bad and hazardous. So, one must try to avoid these three things in life to have a healthy and long time relationship.

Monday 10 December 2012

life was never easy, grow up and accept it!!!!

Writing is not my hobby! But today I want to indulge in writing on a topic about life:Life as people says “life was never easy, grow up and accept it!"Isn’t this fact true? Some of you would be thinking it as true and some of you may be numb because of mine question. Every body whoever comes in our life has got some importance some one are least important where as some are of prime importance. But one thing is true; every person who is in our life teaches us something. And even they may always not be with us but their lesson and memory does!Why does it happen that people get apart from each other, when they don’t want that? It’s a great mystery of life. The great truth of life is, “people meet up only to be far away from each other” I also met her; she was very special to me. I feared to loose her, I used to get jealous, I used care about her, I love her so much, but fates wanted some thing else. May be we two weren’t meant for each other. Crying and tears do not work anymore. One thing she taught me in my life—“To be practical”She was a practical person, and I being an emotional fool, starts thinking that she was mine everything. But it was not true, because we may want the world to go according to our ways but it don’t, and it always goes according to it preplan, and so does the people. Once she said I meant everything to her, but now thing changed a lot and we are trying to be apart from each other. And soon may be we will get apart because I was not her first option. I really do care about her decision of her life. Because I may not be the first person to lose their loved one, instead I would be happy for her. Physically we can be apart but do you all thing we can be apart from our heart; mine answer would be no! Because no one can replace any special person in our life.But in the end i just wan her to be happy and it doesn’t matter to me whether she is with me or with out me! I just want her to be happy;
Best wishes for your lifeI tried my best, to be a true lover but not a perfect lover. Because if i was a perfect may be she would be with me today!  

Friday 7 December 2012

True love............

One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love.

But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy.

So the young man decided not only to court the girl but to court her parents as well. In time, the parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy of their daughter’s hand. continue reading....

Thursday 6 December 2012

You are the missing part of my heart..........

Hello friends! This is Sam martin, I love writing stories: it’s just an fictional stories, so please do enjoy reading it. I am normal person, with to much emotional attachment. And it s my first stories of our blog. Hope you will like and enjoy it. This story is about Edward and Anna. But I am referring boy and girls in spite of their name.
Boy proposed his girlfriend Anna, love of his life for marriage
Girl: Tell me... who do you love most in this world..?
Boy: You, of course!
Girl: what am I to you?
Boy: The boy thought for a moment and looked intently in her eyes and said
"u r missing part of my