Monday 10 December 2012

life was never easy, grow up and accept it!!!!

Writing is not my hobby! But today I want to indulge in writing on a topic about life:Life as people says “life was never easy, grow up and accept it!"Isn’t this fact true? Some of you would be thinking it as true and some of you may be numb because of mine question. Every body whoever comes in our life has got some importance some one are least important where as some are of prime importance. But one thing is true; every person who is in our life teaches us something. And even they may always not be with us but their lesson and memory does!Why does it happen that people get apart from each other, when they don’t want that? It’s a great mystery of life. The great truth of life is, “people meet up only to be far away from each other” I also met her; she was very special to me. I feared to loose her, I used to get jealous, I used care about her, I love her so much, but fates wanted some thing else. May be we two weren’t meant for each other. Crying and tears do not work anymore. One thing she taught me in my life—“To be practical”She was a practical person, and I being an emotional fool, starts thinking that she was mine everything. But it was not true, because we may want the world to go according to our ways but it don’t, and it always goes according to it preplan, and so does the people. Once she said I meant everything to her, but now thing changed a lot and we are trying to be apart from each other. And soon may be we will get apart because I was not her first option. I really do care about her decision of her life. Because I may not be the first person to lose their loved one, instead I would be happy for her. Physically we can be apart but do you all thing we can be apart from our heart; mine answer would be no! Because no one can replace any special person in our life.But in the end i just wan her to be happy and it doesn’t matter to me whether she is with me or with out me! I just want her to be happy;
Best wishes for your lifeI tried my best, to be a true lover but not a perfect lover. Because if i was a perfect may be she would be with me today!  

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